
Sunday 16 March 2014

Start At The Very Beginning

It's a very good place to start...

Welcome to my blog!

I didn't intend to start this blog. I actually decided to do something else entirely. Then I decided that a blog would be a good accompaniment to document my progress in the 'something else'. So what is this 'something else', you might ask?

I'm going to become better than Neil Reynolds at Neil Reynolds' job, then get his job.

Does that mean anything to you?

Neil Reynolds is the British pundit on Sky Sports' Sunday Night Football programme (NFL). And I'm going to take his job. Let me explain...

A few years ago, as a favour to my other half, my lovely fiancé, I had a team in an NFL fantasy league he, his brother and some friends were running. Basically they needed an extra person so that they had an even number in their league. I don't think they ever thought I'd actually be interested in it, but somehow I caught the bug, and have had a team every year since.

Let me make it really clear now: I don't actually know that much about NFL. I understand the basic rules (though get confused as to what exactly has happened when fouls are called), I know who some of the players are (though I can't usually remember their real teams as I just know whether they're in my fantasy team or not), and I've learned that some of the players have the most amazing names. D'Brickashaw, Ladanian, Ndamukong anyone? I'm used to looking at whether my players are doing well for me in our fantasy league, but sometimes have no idea whether they're doing well for their teams in real life.

I have come to love the sport though, and have been to the last few matches held at Wembley. My OH is really interested and is good at keeping up to date with the goings on, and I find it really fascinating. However, my OH does complain about the quality of NFL punditry (is that a word?) in the UK - Neil Reynolds presents with Kevin Cadle, and although he seems to know a lot about NFL to someone like me, my OH reckons that he's good for a Brit, but not really an expert. To be fair, to most Brits, you don't need someone with extensive knowledge, as most people in the UK know very little about American football. However, even I could have made the comment that Peyton Manning makes better throws when he has more time.

So today, I decided that what I really should do with my life is learn a lot about American football, become better than Neil Reynolds at his job, then get his job. And then I had the superb idea to create this blog to document my progress.

Here goes...

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